Tag: Forgiveness

Forgiveness Part 2

After reading part one of this teaching… You might wonder why Jesus had to die. God is perfect and cannot be in the presence of anything that is not pure or perfect. When we sin (do something wrong), we are not pure, and God can’t be in our presence. But God took care of it when he sent Jesus (someone perfect who had never sinned) to pay the penalty for are sins. He was a pure sacrifice. But here’s the cool part: when you believe in Jesus, he fills your heart. When God looks at you, he does not see your sins because Jesus paid the price for them! They have been forgiven. Now who in the world would refuse an incredible offer like that? So what about you? Have you claimed your prize of God’s forgiveness?

God Bless
Lindsay A. Barth

Ps:If you are interested in getting this grand prize of forgiveness but not sure where to start please comment below.

Forgiveness Part 1

When you hear about God’s offer of forgiveness, you might wonder if it is real or if it is some kind of prank. The true is that we don’t have to earn it, pay for it, or enter a contest to win it. We only have to accept it. Maybe you’ve heard the saying,”nothing in life is ever free.” well, God’s gift of forgiveness be free to us, but it is not without cost to God. He sent His one and only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. All those who believe in Jesus Christ and receive God’s gift of forgiveness will “win” eternal life (they go to heaven when they die.)

Hope you have you join me for the conclusion of this teaching…
God Bless
Lindsay A. Barth